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Chamber Corner: Easter, Hardware Store, Food Pantry

Hope everyone had a good Easter, and a chance to find a way to be with family. Certainly, one of the most challenging Holy Days of Easter to say the least. Usually we farmers are fearing rain on Easter Sunday. There is a old saying about rain on Easter that normally comes true. No old sayings about what we are going through right now, just scary, real concerns. Better days are coming people, and we all have to have Faith that is true. Look forward to it people.

In the last couple of weeks, we have tried to promote some of our essential local businesses. We are fortunate to have all of our business on a local basis. But there are some that will certainly help pull us through this mess we have upon us. Our local Hardware store is one of those businesses. I have been in there several times over the past couple of weeks. One visit I got to talk to Tom the owner about how business was. He said Great!! With people being home, they are cleaning, painting, and doing repairs. Let’s see do ya need a Hardware store for all that? Yes you do! He is happy to be in Walnut, and you are all supporting another good business we have here in town. Good Job people.

I also want to touch on another great service we have here in town. The Walnut Food Pantry. I talked to Mary Jo Gothard about the food pantry this week and how they are doing. To my surprise, she said they are open, well stocked, and well able to provide for more people. Mary Jo, said they have fresh products, paper products, as well as other house hold needs. The Food Pantry is open on Thursday late afternoon from 5 to 6 PM. The pantry is located in the Walnut Methodist Church basement. The entrance is on the Liberty street side, and these great volunteers are there to help all of those that need a helping hand. There are a lot of challenges going on right now, do not be shy about going and seeing what all they have to offer. Also, they are practicing caution when it comes to the virus, so do not hesitate to go check it out. Thursday late afternoon, Methodist Church basement, 5 to 6 PM. Be sure to thank them for being here in Walnut.

OK, that’s it for this week. I took up way too much room in the paper last week, but got some good comments on the info provided. So, I guess it is all good. Spring is certainly trying to show its presence, so let’s cheer it on. Get out and walk!! Turn off the TV, take the kids I-Pad away and get them out for some exercise and real fun, not just looking at a screen. Have you driven out by Eldon Cook’s? You will not believe how big the Morel Mushrooms are in his West pasture. Very impressive Pastor Cook, very impressive.

Have a good week people, help each other out, and stay safe. Shop Walnut whenever you can.

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