Chamber Corner: Staying Positive, Station 92
Well, are we all getting a little crazy with the “containment” or “social distancing”?? I know there certainly are people I’m missing. Crazy and scary. We can still get out and walk. We can go down to the Park district and walk or go out to Ross property for a little fresh air. Do something people, sitting around the house watching TV and listening to the bickering politicians will do you no good, and yes, make you even more crazy. Get out and exercise! By yourself.
So, on one of my walks up our empty Main street this past week, I was feeling pretty sorry for our town. And yes, a little for myself, as I miss what we had. What we had when Main street was full and vibrant. Days gone by, just that simple. Gone for many reasons, but we don’t have time for that dissertation or very opiniated conversation. In the spirit of putting a positive spin on things, it came to me how very fortunate we are. Look at all we have in our small community, and I certainly am grateful to the businesses we have on Main street. I commend them for their services and endurance. Also, all the good social things we have in our little rural town. Certainly, the envy of many. There will be more.
I turned my thoughts to the positive. These days, it is certainly the responsible thing to do. What’s positive, an amazing number of things!!! We have a strong Ag supply business sector, with major growth and renovation to serve our farmers, and provide employment. TCI has just completed a new part of their factory and providing great employment here in Walnut. CGH is renovating their building to serve the town and community for years to come. Including a new business coming. More later at some point. We have Liberty and Main stepping up to the sad conditions and presentation of our Main street. Also, our Walnut Park district does a great job of helping with quality of life for all of our population. They are supporting as well as maintaining many, many activities and gathering points in our town.
There is another new project being planned. Station 92 is a new business coming to Walnut. Bradd VonHolten and his family have chosen to retire after many years of servicing the Walnut community. Enjoy Bradd and Emily, you deserve it. Thank you. The good news is, that the Markus Fisch family and Bruce Atherton have decided to invest time and monies to keep this business in town. Plans are now being made as this article comes to print for the new station. Locations are being considered, as well as possibly renovating the present location. The new location will be a modern fueling facility for both cars and trucks. It will also include a new convenience store, with many amenities including a choice of Hot foods. That’s all I have on the project for now, much more to come, and just another example of the confidence people have in investing in Walnut and its community. Thanks Guys, and good luck with the endeavor.
Today, Monday March 30 was to be our annual Chamber banquet meeting / celebration. The Chamber is working on the best time and way to have this gathering at the appropriate time and place. We will let you know. Shop Walnut people!!!! It is more imperative at this time than any other in recent history. Thank that business for being here and supporting our town. Stay safe people.