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Chamber Corner: Contests, Businesses Re-Opening

It was great to see the community support for the cookout hosted by Konz, Walnut Cafe and the Italian. They were overwhelmed your generosity and sold out of food within an hour and a half! Great job, Walnut.

I hope you are enjoying eating your take-out at Liberty Square. Big thanks to the Liberty Square Committee for making that space available and the lighting looks great. The committee was recently interviewed by WQAD about the project and transformation of the area. We hope that will boost the momentum for fundraising so we can start building on that property!

I had a resident express concern that the stuff we post on Facebook for the Chamber isn’t seen by the entire community because the entire population doesn’t have a Facebook account. It was a valid concern, but the good news is you can now view all the posts from the Walnut Chamber without a Facebook account by simply visiting the direct link Businesses in our town use Facebook frequently to promote their specials and offerings and we at the Chamber try to share that information to the public as much as possible so I would recommend visiting that link!

In other business news, the CGH Medical Center renovation has completed and they are now seeing patients in Walnut again and the transformation of Station 92 (the old Pit Stop) is underway!

Pass the Love re-opened this past Wednesday. Visit to review their guidelines for shopping and when they are accepting donations.

The great news all of our businesses are back and up running at this point in some capacity. Some, like the Library and The Embroidery Shop, are still offering just curbside pick-up.

Finally, the new contest we are offering from the Chamber is called the “Build a Business” Contest. The rules are that you can use anything material in your house (example: legos, cardboard, wood) to build a replica model of a Walnut business! There is no age limit to enter and you must send a picture of your entry to or private message the Walnut Chamber of Commerce Facebook page. We are going to extend our entry deadline to Sunday, June 14th at 11:59 p.m.

That’s it for this week. Have a great week and shop Walnut whenever you can!

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