Turning the calendar to Fall
Last week, I did not write, because I had nothing. This week, I need the entire page!! I won’t do that, but let’s get started. First, Monday was Labor Day. This Labor Day weekend, the weather man certainly cooperated. Grills and smokers were going, hikes were happening, and lots of end of Summer projects were started or completed. Labor Day, was originated to honor the American worker and the contributions that workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well being of the country. Oregon was the first state in 1887 to make it a public holiday. As I think of Walnut, and what we have here in skilled labor manufacturing, pride in business, the best of educational opportunity, and the best of agricultural assets we are very fortunate. Perhaps it is not all about being fortunate, as much as it is being focused and driven. Let’s make sure we all stay focused and driven for what is best for our town and its citizens now and for the future. It is your responsibility.
So, get to the garage and basement TODAY. Get that old bed, stuffed goose, chest of drawers, or how about all those books in the basement and get your Garage sale ready. Do you have any idea how many people want some of those items? Town wide garage sales are this coming weekend, Sept 9 and 10. Let’s hope for good weather, so all of you can participate and prosper.
Walnut Fall Fest on Main is in full swing. One-day event October 8th. Go to the Facebook page, and look for posters to be posted around town to get info on the day. Brent Jamison and the committee has done a wonderful job of putting this family fun event together. Additions this past week, announcement that the yearly Bingo night will be that Saturday night as well. The Bingo will be held at the community center the evening of the festival. If listening to the bands are not your cup of tea, come to the Community building and stomp your loved one in a rousing card or two of Bingo.
Another event announced and promoted, we will host a BBQ / Smoking contest. Again, I refer you to the Walnut Fall Fest on Main Facebook page. There is an entry form to print out and fill in. There will be certain categories to test and showcase your skills. This should be fun, along with the other events that day. If you do not participate in Facebook, stop into Garden & Greens and pick up your entry form and rules for the event. If you stop into Garden & Greens this week ask Sharon about the Mums for Fall, and wish Dylan a Happy Birthday. Dylan is one-year-old this week; she has brought great joy to all of us. I know she is planning on helping her dad with his entry into the contest.
All of the events for the day and evening, will take brains, backs, and cooperation. Kinda like every day in life huh?? Anyway, contact Janis McDonald and volunteer to help with the day’s events. There is set up, working the events, and clean-up. We all want to enjoy the day, come jump in and help make the day a success. There is a duty for any and all, contact Janis and offer your help.
Lastly, two pretty cool things in town the last week or two. First, I do not know if it is the efforts of Brent and his committees, or just extended pride in our community. We have picked up 3 more business members into the Walnut Chamber. Peterson’s Body shop, Heather White design, and ABC Construction and Renovation have all joined the Chamber. These businesses have seen the value of supporting our community and making sure they are contributing to the growth of the town and its citizens. Thank you.
Another good thing, Citizens First State bank has named Pam Turner its new President of the bank. Pam is another success story of Walnut. I will not name numbers of years, but Pam has more than logged the time and experience to step into this assignment. The board has put its Faith into Pam and her abilities to move the bank forward for years to come. When I spoke to Pam, it was not about her, but her team. It was about her gleaning skills from previous leaders, Pam certainly credits her team of professionals within the bank. These people on the team, will certainly insure the success of the bank for years to come. Pam also wanted to make sure that we thanked Dennis Becker for filling in as an interim President and keeping the ship moving ahead. Thank you Denny for coming to Walnut.
Time to get to work, hope your Labor Day weekend was good. Thanks for your efforts people. Shop Walnut whenever you can.