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Rain, Rain Go Away

Lots of rain over the last two weeks, kinda bringing the farming projects to a halt. With the rain, brings lots of opportunity to work on other projects. Mostly mowing yards!!! Anyway, I am sure come July, we will be looking for these Spring rains to relieve us from the hot, dry days of Summer. The fields will dry out, beans will get planted, hay will be made, and most importantly, Summer baseball and Softball will begin in Walnut. It’s all good people. HEY! Did you buy that pool pass yet?

Chamber meeting this coming Tuesday evening at Konz at 7 pm. Monthly meeting being held on Tuesday, will include topics on Summer activities, Main street improvement, and business issues. Our meetings are open to all Chamber members, and we welcome your participation. Please plan on attending.

This Wednesday, is another Farmers Market located on Main Street. Hours are 2 to 6, with various vendors providing goods and wares. Fresh veggies will begin soon, maybe even this coming week. Along with Farmers Market, Open Table will be celebrated again at the United Methodist Church. Open Table will be open from 5 to 6:30 pm in the church basement. Come to town Wednesday evening, and support and enjoy both of these events.

It was announced this past week, that the Garland Funeral home will have new owners. This kind of news brings very mixed emotions, when it comes to reviewing all this family and business have brought to Walnut. Tom and Deb have decided to sell the business to Joe McDonald from the Sterling - Rock Falls area. All of this was in last weeks Leader, as well as around coffee conversation this past week. When I mentioned the mixed emotions, their business is one of kindness, efficiency, family wishes, and certainly dealing with emotions. Every family that has to deal with end of life, deals with it differently. Many of the people that pass, have pre-arranged wishes and details they want followed. I am certainly not privy to any of these details, but I am certain some are a challenge and important to all concerned. My family has certainly been touched by the way Tom and Deb handle the special requests of families, and try everything they can to accommodate. In my opinion, the Garland family has absolutely provided the best of service and caring at one of the most difficult time of life within a family. Thanks Tommy and Deb, good job! You have certainly earned your time of a slower life, and time together. Enjoy that lake house, and all the good that comes with it.

I have not got to talk to Joe McDonald yet, but I will welcome him to town. I have known Joe for a number of years, not as a friend by any means, but as an acquaintance. Joe is a member of St. Andrew’s in Rock Falls, and I used to see him there on a regular basis. When I was involved in a Rock Falls business, as well as the Rotary, Joe and I would cross paths as well. I have been to numerous funerals conducted by McDonald funeral homes, and know some of his staff. Where I am going with this, is I know Joe McDonald and his staff will provide Walnut with the same fine service and services that were provided by Garlands. Please welcome Joe and his staff to Walnut. I have to comment again, Walnut is very fortunate to have and continue to have this kind of valuable business.

Time to get started on the day. I am in hopes we will have main street flower boxes planted by the time you all are reading this. We will see if Mother nature has cooperated with this thought. If it is completed, thanks to Kim Dietz and Scouts! Good job guys.

Have a good week people, shop Walnut whenever you can. Thanks for your efforts.

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