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Chamber Corner: Update from WOW

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an update from Working on Walnut. We had a Coordinating Council meeting last night, so I thought I would use this week’s Corner to give a little update on WOW.

The Events Committee is gearing up for two big activities soon. The Children’s Theatre is returning again this summer. Auditions will be held on Friday, June 14th with practice the following two weeks to prepare for the big performance on Saturday, June 29 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, June 30 at 2 p.m. The performance is scheduled to be held at the Park District, weather permitting.

Also, the Patriotic Painting Party will return. This year the painting will be held on Friday, July 5 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the W Field. This year the painting will be done on wood to be hung for display on Main Street. This can include families, individuals and businesses. You will have to pre-register this year by June 21st. More info coming on both of these events.

The Beautification Committee/Main Street Revitalization have been discussing ways to “beautify” Main Street. Some are long term goals and some are short term like re-painting the flower boxes/benches. The group is continuing to research information on Main Street properties and ideas for those going forward.

Sports and Rec continue to work hard on the Bike Trail planning. They have a goal to begin Phase One at some point this year, which would connect Main Street to the Ross Preserve. The group continues to sell Walnut Grade School Bleacher boards to help with Park Trail Funding. A Nerf War is also planned for Saturday, June 1st on the W Field.

The Liberty and Main Committee continues to meet bi-monthly. Their current focus is leveling the ground and planting grass for a greenspace this summer. The big plan of what the future of the space will be continues to have progress. There are a lot of logistics involved and the group doesn’t want to take any shortcuts on planning for that space. Lots more information coming in the near future.

Overall, WOW continues to meet and discuss ways to improve the town. At times it’s visible with community projects and at times it’s not, but it’s not for a lack of planning and goal setting. The group is going strong, is motivated, and optimistic about the future of Walnut.

I hope you have a great week and continue to shop Walnut!

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