Chamber Corner: Memorial Day, Walnut Days, Donations
It looks like warmer weather is coming again this week. Let’s hope for the farmers sake it stays dry as well.
We are quickly approaching Memorial Day and the Rotary Club Sidewalk Project with the help of V&C and volunteers is coming along nicely. They could still use volunteers and donations as well if you would like to help.
I’ve noticed over the past few days a lot of Walnut Days information is coming out. They could use volunteers. There is a ton of work that goes into putting this three-day event on and even if you can volunteer for just a few hours it is a big help. Contact Jess Entas or Jennifer Butler if you want to lend a hand in any way and they can give you the different opportunities to help with.
Speaking of the Celebration, a huge thank you to the Pass it Along store for donation $4,000 to the Walnut Days Committee this past week. Pass it Along also gave out FOUR $2,500 scholarships to deserving BVHS seniors. Thank you to all who shop at Pass it Along. It’s because of your patronage that these donations can happen. Continue to support the store!
We’ve had several donations come in recently for Working on Walnut (WOW). We really appreciate those! There are a lot of worthwhile projects in town that the funds will be put to good use for. Donations can be sent to PO Box 56, Walnut. Thank you!
Don’t forget to shop Walnut for your graduation supplies this year. We have a variety of locations in town that can help with your parties. Have a great week.