Chamber Corner: Appreciating volunteers, Christmas Open House
As I sat in a meeting this past week, I looked around the table and thought how fortunate we are in Walnut to have citizens that selflessly volunteer their time to our community.
These volunteers do this because they love their town and want to make it a better place to live for them and their families. I looked around the table and saw the sacrifices that night. One volunteer was missing bedtime with her toddler, one came straight from work and had not been home yet, and another came from a meeting in Peoria and missed supper with their two children at home.
I’m thankful to those that help in any capacity. I think of the 100+ volunteers it takes for Fall Fest on Main. Whether you volunteered to help with kids games for 2 hours or helped with the clean-up crew or you were part of the committee that met numerous times leading up to the event… you are appreciated.
I think of the Liberty and Main Committee made up of members from the Village Board and WOW. They have spent countless hours figuring out the most cost effective way to tear down the building, plan for the future and right now clean up the debris. Progress is being made with each meeting. It’s a thankless job, but it’s people who care deeply about Walnut.
If you want to volunteer in any capacity, let me know. It could be as simple as helping set up or clean up at Walnut Days and you wouldn’t have to miss any of the activities of the weekend.
About three weeks until Small Business Saturday (November 24) and the Walnut Christmas Open House. Support Walnut business specials that day and meet Santa! Christmas will be here soon! A great day to start your shopping.
Have a great week and shop Walnut whenever you can.