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Chamber Corner: Pancake Breakfasts, Chamber membership, and Mapping Program

As you can see, the Fireman breakfast was a success on Sunday. Lots of good people came to support the Walnut Fire department, and enjoy a great breakfast. Thank you to all that saw value in supporting the department. So, guess what? Yep, more Pancakes and sausage this Sunday morning! This coming Sunday, February 19, at the Senior Citizens building on South Main the Walnut Winners 4-H club are inviting you to their breakfast fund raiser. Serving from 8 till noon, come to the Senior Citizens building and enjoy the hospitality of the Walnut Winners. This fund raiser helps the club with many activities, please be generous with your time and monies. I am sure we will get Dylan to her hopefully first of many Walnut Winner 4-H events.

Response to the Chamber Membership drive has been good, thank you. In the letter that went out, we ask that you confirm your reservations for the annual banquet as well. We have secured Gisele Hamm as our speaker for the evening. Gisele is the managing coordinator for the Western Illinois University Mapping program. Gisele will be in Walnut for 5 consecutive weeks guiding the committee thru the program. Chamber thought it would be a good idea, to ask Gisele to speak to our entire group, on what the program is, and what we should look to and expect from the Strategic plan. Plan on attending the dinner and program March 20, at Konz restaurant. Just fill out the 2nd page of the Membership letter you received and send back to the Chamber at Box 56 Walnut. Please include your check for the dinner or dinners, and we will count you in for the evening. In the first week, almost 1/3 of membership responded. Thank you for your support of Chamber and Walnut.

Our first formal meeting for the Strategic plan for our town was held last Thursday evening at Konz. A great group came together to listen to our instructions for the 5 meetings coming beginning in March. There will be a group of at least 40 to 50 people coming together to brainstorm about the future of our community. As I have stated before, this will be a diverse group of business people as well as citizens that just want what’s best for moving our town forward. Gisele Hamm, the director of the project commented that we also want the young people of the town to participate. Many lists of people to be invited were brought to the meeting on Thursday night. Now tonight we will compile the lists and get letters ready to send. Again, we will use our Chamber member food providers to feed the masses. You know that will be good. The Mapping group will accept donations to help offset the costs of the project. We want to make sure that everyone can participate. If you want to be a part of the project, yet can’t make meetings, consider a donation to help with the cost of the project. The Mapping itself will be around $4000. There will be expense for letters and postage, as well as feeding 50 people 5 times. Yes, we would welcome your donation of time and or monies. This is a service, that include all that live here in Walnut, be a part of it.

Keep it a little shorter this week. Tomorrow is Valentine’s day. Boys, make sure you take time to get your loved one something special. Enjoy the privilege of that, it’s important. Maybe a nice dinner out on Tuesday night, or a simple card to express your love and appreciation. Plan on it, don’t forget. Also, remember next Sunday the 19th is the 4-H Pancake breakfast. Plan on going and supporting this wonderful organization. That’s it people, have a great week in Walnut, shop here whenever you can. Thanks for your efforts.

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