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Christmas is upon us

Well, this is the week of crunch time to get ready for Christmas. How are your plans coming together? Do you know the times of the Christmas services at your church? Have you got your gifts purchased and wrapped? Got your final travel plans put together? Ready for college kids to come home? How about enough food in the house to feed those college kids? All of these questions are related to the fact that we want to be ready for the season. A season that all of us in the Christian religion take great pride in the fact that we want to participate. We want to celebrate! We want friends and family around us, and we want to think about the loved ones far away that cannot be with us. Christmas is the season to celebrate the birth of Christ long ago. A popular saying over the last few years, is to know the reason for the season. Make sure you and your family know and give thanks for the reason for the season.

Driving around town, it is certainly easy to see the celebration of Christmas in lights. Going down Red Oak road is a great example. The Rose Mary Carpenter home is decorated very nicely. I am sure this is a tribute to Rose Mary, and how nice the home always looked at Christmas, good job kids. Then it’s the Tony and Jeri Zueger home, and on up the street past Ryan Atherton’s house. These 3 homes are just an example of the home pride decorations around our town. Make sure you take a drive around town with the kids and enjoy the work of many. Another example of how people want to celebrate the Christmas season. The Chamber has not done the holiday light contest for a couple of years. It may be time to bring that back to town. Let the Chamber know if you would like to volunteer for this fun assignment.

I mentioned time of Christmas services in the first paragraph. Walnut is blessed with 5 churches of Christian Faith. I know that many of us will make our yearly visit to our chosen place of Faith gathering. Please do make sure you do this. It is good for you, and more importantly your children and young people in the house. The Walnut United Methodist Church even sent out a flyer inviting all to their Christmas service. The doors to all of these churches are open to all to come celebrate the birth of Christ. Consider taking you and your family to celebrate together on this important day of the year. Its important.

That’s it, I need to start shopping!!! Yah, I am not a very good shopper. I did do a little shopping last week for myself, Thanks Marcus!! It was time, the old girl had almost 180,000 on it. It runs good, still looks good, stop down and ask about a great used F-150. Anyway, the point of this paragraph, is to promote using the Celebrate Walnut raffle tickets for Christmas gifts??? You bet, stocking stuffers, tickets on or under your tree, a quick gift for a teacher or friend. Garden and Greens has bouquets with tickets in the flower arrangement. A book of tickets is $5 for 6 tickets. What a bargain!!! These tickets are available at the following local business’s. First Federal Savings, Citizens First State bank, The Walnut Leader, Pitstop, Walnut Library, Shell, Guido’s and Pass it Along. Stop into any of these fine Walnut establishments and buy a dozen books or so. Easy shopping that will benefit local organizations in 2017, and reward some good winnings to a friend or loved one. Have a blessed and safe Christmas Holiday. I hope you have all of your friends and loved ones around you for this Christmas season. Thanks for your efforts people.

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