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Another successful Christmas Open House

We are now over a week past our Chamber Christmas Open House. A good turnout for the day. BVN had a very nice Pancake Breakfast to help raise monies for the upcoming Washington DC trip. Vendor fair and a Santa visit were held in the Community Building. Good turnout for this event, and lots of happy children visiting the “Big Man” and his trusty elf sidekick. It is great in my book, that Santa takes the time and makes the effort to come to our town to get wish lists from our young citizens. Also, did you see the Hayrack going up and down the streets with very happy passengers? It was that nice of a day for those outside activities. Many guests enjoyed going to Garden & Greens to check out the Christmas decorating ideas, as well as enjoying Avanti cheese products. The Poinsettias are beautiful this year, stop in and see Sharon about some for your home or gift. The Walnut Boy Scouts decorated some of the trees around the veteran’s memorial. Lights were lit, and Caroler’s supplied music. Not only did they sing at the memorial, they walked around to different stores and provided music for all. Mr. Glaser had a book signing for his new book release. It was a good day all around, and enjoyed by many.

This past Sunday, Shear Delight had its open house. Debbie is doing a great job, and making many ladies happy every day. The Community Christmas Chorus Cantata will be held next Sunday December 11 at 3 pm. The concert is being held at the Walnut United Methodist Church. All are welcome, and encouraged to attend. This is a yearly event, that put together many talented people from our community. It is a great event, held once a year, plan on attending.

Two important appointments made this past week. Tonya Spencer has been appointed to Walnut Village board. Tonya has filled the vacancy on the board, and has stepped up to help her community. Thank you, Tonya, Chamber wishes you the best of luck in your new endeavor. Village board, is a major player in our town with many responsibilities and opportunities. It’s good to see young people step up to help direct and engage in our town. Another important appointment this past week, Eric Lawson as interim Bureau Valley Superintendent. Eric has been involved within the district for many years now, and many opportunities are ahead with this new appointment. Bureau Valley affects all of our lives in many good ways. We are very proud of the North school located in our town. Not only does this institution provide a great education for all of the students, it provides employment for many good people in Walnut. I know Eric will do a great job for students, teachers and all other staff. Good job to both Tonya and Eric, thanks for being in Walnut.

Chamber will not have a regular Monthly meeting in December. Right now, we are in a planning mode. Some are on vacation, and all will be getting ready for the Blessed Christmas Holiday. The board will meet at some time in December to look at 2016, and see what we did, and what we need to work on. 2017 promises to be an interesting and hopefully prosperous year for Walnut. Chamber Board is watching what is going on at Bureau Valley, and the proposed referendum for Spring. The board has posted again, a unanimous vote to promote the fact that Chamber sees the absolute value of keeping our K-8 school in town. More to come on this, in the very near future. Numbers and projections are being gathered, and will be presented to the public very soon.

Have a good week people, how’s the shopping coming along? Are you planning your gatherings yet? I am hearing rumors, that the very coveted Grilly Cheese, Chili cookoff is being planned in town. A new secret test kitchen has been supposedly constructed in Florida, as well as we now have actual people from Florida participating. They come from far and wide to bid for the Golden Ladle and Golden Spatula. Only in Walnut people, only in Walnut. Have a great week, thanks for all of your efforts.

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