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Final plans being made for Walnut Days

There is nothing like the panicked feeling of opening your computer to begin a document, and you get all of these alien messages that mean nothing but bad news. Its 5:30 in the morning, and I have not even had my first cup of coffee yet and this is what I get? I have no idea as to what alert message to respond to. What is truth, what is something out there just waiting for you to push that key to eternal spam Hell??? That’s how my morning has started. So, I did whatever any good Red Blooded American would do, I closed the lid and walked away. Shaved, showered, and started it all over again. You bet that fixed it, and here we are, ready to get going on the day. Good Morning all!

I want to, and need to thank the Walnut Rotary Club for the honor and recognition concerning the Citizen of the Year Award. I am proud to be awarded this recognition, all though I feel there are far more people out there more deserving. Walnut has a lot of good things going for it, and it is easy to see that an organization like the Walnut Rotary club is a big part of the good things in Walnut. Thank you for this recognition, it is appreciated.

All committees are busy putting final touches on July 4th weekend plans. From the Celebration Committee and its plans, to the Community Club and the Beer Garden plans. Dr. Dean has flyers out for the 3 on 3 tournament, and Julie Von Holten has more than prepared for a successful 5K run to help raise funds for ALS research. Harry Guither has tickets for the ATV giveaway, and he WILL get them sold. The Saturday Parade promises to be a success, with all the planning that the committee has done, please get your registration in for this very traditional fun afternoon. I am sure I have missed some highlights, but the jest of this is once again Walnut will enjoy the best of celebrating our July 4th Independence weekend. All of these activities and more come to us thanks to all of the planning and hard work of the few that give their time and efforts. It is all of our duties to help in some way. I know that Sandy Green is in charge of the Chamber dinners on Friday and Sunday, and is looking for help. Bill Norden and Scott Reuter would be very appreciative of some help on Parade day. There is room for civic organizations to take over some activities to raise funds for their organization. I see Mary Zittle almost every morning at Walnut Shell station. I know Mary has room for more volunteers to help at the Beer Garden. It’s not hard people!! Stop in or call some of these committee people and give your time and energy. The best thing is, it’s a fun weekend, why not feel like you are giving back as well. It takes all of our town to make this a success.

The big part of the July 4th celebration, are our Fireworks. Kendall and crew have another fantastic show planned. I have heard of people from as far away as Florida and Colorado coming just to see what he and his crew can do. There are thousands of people that come to our small town just to see a very impressive display to celebrate our independence. All of this takes money, big money. I ask that you go to Citizens First state bank in Walnut, and make a donation. Donations can be made to the following, Walnut Celebration, Walnut Fireworks, or the Sponsor a shell effort. Monies are deposited in the celebration account, and will go toward the fireworks expense. I ask that you consider with the help of the fireworks, and make that donation today.

Walnut Chamber meeting is tomorrow night, at Konz 7PM, all Chamber members are invited to attend. We have room for your ideas and positive suggestions. Lots going on in town these days besides the celebration come join in and learn about the projects.

Lastly this week, with the great rains we had last week, all the yards have come alive again. If you need that mower repaired, or the blades sharpened, call Attig Repair and have the boys get that baby ready for the next mowing go around. Sidney and his very professional staff of repair experts are ready to help with that repair project. If you are looking for a new mower, Rob Ohda has a good lineup of mowers ready to serve your needs. Ohda repair is located in beautiful down town Normandy. Just across the tracks on North side of RT. 92. Its also kind of fun to see the recreational fun toys in front of Fisch motors. Besides the very pretty Red F-150’s, there are some nice bikes for sale. Along with the Bikes, they have a selection of off road vehicles. Drive by, then pull in and ask Marcus or one of the boys about these fun Summer machines. Whichever of these business you choose to support in this paragraph, it’s a good thing. Good job people. Thanks for your efforts, shop Walnut whenever you can. Have a good week.

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