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Welcome to Our Table

This past week brought two relatively new events to us on the same week. St. Joseph’s Table was celebrated at St. John's in Walnut, as well as the Open Table was celebrated at the Walnut United Methodist Church. I found it ironic that both of these events were scheduled on the same week during the Easter season. Both events have the name table in the event. Both events promote the fact that the table is a place of gathering. Gathering of friends and family, and certainly welcoming new friends and family as well. What better event could be promoted or offered to all of us in Walnut? Our churches are doing good things in our area. It is both good and important that we not only support them, but get involved in the church and its events. Help yourself people, no one else is responsible.

This is the final week of taking reservations for the Banquet. Dan and Lisa need numbers by Thursday. I encourage all members to attend. This year we will hear from some of our local business, and why they are here in Walnut. Also, James Schoff will be presenting some exciting news from the Walnut Park District. If you have not heard, our Park District has acquired the Ross Property on the west side of town. That’s all about that, come hear what James has to say. We will also celebrate the Walnut Hall of Fame Award, as well as the Making a Difference Award. These annual awards are presented to well deserving people or groups that make our town the first class place it is to live and work. If you have not made your reservation, and want to attend, call me at 815-441-5715, before Thursday.

With the early Spring weather, I have to talk about one of my favorite subjects. YARDS AND FLOWERS!! I know it’s time to get yards raked and cleaned. Let’s get the Grubb insecticide down on the yard. This operation will help reduce the moles in our yards. Now is the time to get the yard fertilizer down just before the Spring rains get here. Take a good look at that porch, deck or trim on your house. A little paint would not hurt at all. So, this is all leading us to our local Hardware store. We are most fortunate to have this nice store in our town. Walnut Hardware has lawn tools, products for the yard, and lots of paints and stains. The good thing the store has to offer, is if they do not have the item, they own another store that will have it. Literally the next day the product you need is here. Stop in on South Main, and see how these good people can help you and your property.

That’s it for this week. Last thought, this is Holy week in the Christian Faith. Take advantage of this week to either build on your Faith, or better yet going back to your practice of faith. We all have different ways of practicing our faith, and we all have different needs. In every church in Walnut this week will be the last of Lenten devotion, leading up to the celebration of resurrection. Whatever your Faith and needs may be, I invite and encourage you to participate to the fullest. It’s good for you and more importantly your children. Come to the table people, there is room for all of us. Have a Blessed week, thanks for your efforts.

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