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Warming Up

Kinda nice getting up to 45 degrees in the early morning. It’s not Florida, or Arizona, but it’s not below zero either!! What little snow we have, will be gone in the next couple of days, and there are signs of Spring everywhere. What are your Spring plans? Have you picked out your flowers and garden plants for the year? Yes, as of now its catalog shopping, but that is fun as well. Any home improvements planned? How about that new outdoor deck or Patio? Walnut is very well known for its skilled carpenters, and building trade. When making these kind of plans, contact one of our great local companies to complete your dream. Of course guys, if you get that patio or deck, it gives you every right to include that very powerful, Stainless Steel, finely turned grill and or smoker. Make sure she realizes that, as you make the financial plan to pay for the project.

Chamber is receiving a great response concerning membership. With both business and individual response, our membership drive is going very well. We are only 2 weeks into the mission, and have had a 40% positive return on membership to date. These kind of numbers certainly speak to the interest in our organization and community. With the membership drive, the annual banquet reservations are included as well. We are going back to a business and community building theme this year. There are many new projects beginning, as well as some new business to introduce. The banquet will be an evening of very worthwhile time and effort. I encourage all members to plan on attending. Send in your membership, and make your banquet reservation today. Thanks.

I have to mention a post I saw on Facebook this morning. The post came from an individual here in Walnut, who is very much involved with a successful business in Walnut. The quote was “ Teach your kids to work with your hands and build cool stuff “. I think that speaks loudly to a growing concern within many of the building trades. Let’s face it, we need people both men and women to learn the building and service trades. We are blessed with a trade curriculum within Bureau Valley, as well as some of our local business’s. Talk to your children, if they are not 4 year college material, in many ways good for them! We need them in many ways, that will provide both a good living and pride in what they can do. There are trade schools, as well as local Junior college that can teach and place our young people into a very satisfying career building fields. As parents and mentors, lets always encourage our young people. They are our future, everyday.

Time to start the day. Christian Church Spaghetti dinner this coming Saturday Night February 27. Go help yourself to a great meal. I attended the 4-H Pancake breakfast this past Sunday, it was great! These kind of events fund both church and community events. Good for our older citizens, as well as serving our young people. Always know that your monies as well as your time and efforts are appreciated. Thank you for your donations. Keep up the good work. Thanks for your efforts, shop Walnut when ever you can. Have a good week people.

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