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Chamber Letters Out Now

So, how was your Super Bowl Sunday? Did your favorite team win? Did you eat a little too much fun food? How bout those Craft Beers, or special wines or Spirits that say “ WOW “ those are fun! Most of all, were you with your people, or local hang out? In my world, just getting together with people and enjoying the game, commercials, and fun food is the best part of the experience. I enjoyed the afternoon, at our friends Kent and Kelly Siltman. Great afternoon and wonderful hospitality. I was amazed at all the questions Dylan asked during the game. For her first Super Bowl, she seemed very much in tune with the whole thing. Go figure???

Walnut Chamber membership letters went out over the weekend. I am proud to say that we sent out around 105 individual and 70 business renewal memberships. Both membership and banquet invitations went out. We are asking for renewals as well as Banquet reservations for March 28 be returned before March 1. When you get your letter, first I want to thank you for your membership. Without your membership dollars, it would be simply impossible for the Chamber to exist. Next, I would like for you to think about what the Chamber does and means to our community. Read our Mission Statement included within the letter. This statement says it all as to who we are and what we try to do every day. The Chamber of Commerce is good for all that live and make a living in our community. We are your representation in supporting business and building Walnut as a great place to live, have business, and raise and educate a family. We welcome your help and support.

Second page in envelope contains a reservation letter for our annual Banquet. We are able to keep meal prices the same, for the 3rd year, and the evening promises to be very much worthwhile. Again, we would like reservations sent in as early as possible to make food and seating plans. March 28, 6PM Konz restaurant, plan on being there.

So, with sending out around 175 letters, do ya think we may have missed someone? Yes we probably did. Do not think you are being left out? No, not at all. We want you as a member, we want all as active members. Send me an E-mail, at, or call me at 815 – 441 – 5715. We do have an active “office” at Citizens bank, with the same phone and extension as always. I am not there much, I can get questions addressed or answered better if I get them directly, and that damned answering machine and I do not get along well. Just ask the very kind and patient Lisa Vick. Thank you Lisa. Again, if we missed you, please let us know we value your participation.

Ok, in our quest of February foods in Walnut, this week we have the Walnut Fireman’s breakfast. This coming Sunday morning, serving 7 to noon at the fire station. Yep plenty of time to get to church before you go to breakfast. I mentioned how valuable this Valentine breakfast would be to you and yours in last week’s corner. Here’s an idea, don’t tell her you plan on taking her and the kids to the breakfast as her Valentine gift. Let it be that morning surprise. I know the reaction will be stunning! No need to call and thank me or let me know how that goes, just my gift to you boys. Enjoy the fruits of that decision. Have a good week people, thanks for your efforts. Shop Walnut whenever you can.

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