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February Events in Walnut

This morning as I leave town, it comes to me that I most likely do not do a good job of promoting or recognizing our West side business’s. I know I am guilty of thinking of Main street, as well as our industrial offerings. That being said, there is a lot going on the West end of Walnut. Once you cross the old Railroad tracks, we are blessed with another business district. Both Fisch Motors and Jody’s repair are located out here. Steve Brown operates his Farm repair shop, and Ann VonHolten has the Country Cutter Beauty shop. Across the Highway, Dr. Dean Hulsing has his Chiropractic practice. Located by Dr. Dean is Mama T’s ice cream shop and drive in. I believe she is opening very soon, something to look forward to for anticipation of Spring. Back across the street, we have Ag View fertilizer plant, with Mary Beach and her Law Practice next door. Go around the corner headed South, and we have Guido’s hair salon as well. Between Anya at Guido’s and Ann at Country Cutter, the West end has some good looking people. Also located at Country Cutter, Adrian Lind has her gift shop. The West end also offers, EBE factory, Walnut Auction sales, as well as the Green River Vet Clinic. We have some good things going on the West side of town. I believe the Ross property is an ongoing project of the Park District. Coming into Walnut from the West, it is easy to see we are alive and well. All of these business make a difference in moving Walnut forward.February is Walnut’s month for Fund Raising Breakfast’s and dinner’s. It’s a great time to enjoy some great breakfast and dinners locally, share in conversation with friends, and best of all support our local organizations. Leading off the charge, this week The Walnut United Methodist Church Mission Trip group are making and selling fresh subs for the upcoming football game this coming Sunday. ORDERS ARE TO BE IN BY Wednesday February 3rd. These are great sandwiches and value; my family buys them every year. Phone numbers are as follows; Julie Von Holten 815 – 379 – 2269, or Ron and Deb Wilstead 815 -359 – 2825. Make the call now, as you are reading this!The American legion post will have a Chicken Fry. On February 14th, the Walnut Fire Department will have the annual Pancake and Sausage breakfast at the firehouse. What says love more than Pancakes, sausage, and watching Paul, Philip and the Michlig boys flip Pancakes? Kinda gives you and your Valentine something to look forward to. Tell her she is a lucky girl. Then, if you did not get her filled up on the 14th, the Walnut Winners have their breakfast on Sunday February 21st at the Senior Citizens building. Lastly, a dinner on February 27 at the Walnut Christian Church. Once again, you can enjoy a Spaghetti dinner and great fellowship. Adrian tells me there will be carry-outs as well available. Please come out and enjoy any or all of these events, your dollars make a big difference in each of the organizations. I want to remind everyone about the Walnut Chamber Web site. This tool is something we have had for almost a year now. I invite all of you to check out the site by simply searching Walnut Ill Chamber. You will see the site has lots of town information, as well as promotes our local business’s. When speaking to outside people, organizations, or prospective business, refer them to this valuable tool, it is there for all to see and use. That’s it for this week, Angie and Gary are wondering where I am now. Chamber Membership letters will go out this week, along with invitation for Annual Banquet. Watch for renewal info in the Mail. More info next week. Parting thought of the week. Now is a great time to check into and get a membership to our local Country Club. 9-hole course of fun and somewhat challenging relaxation. Green River Country 815 – 379 – 2227. Call today, and enjoy this Walnut asset. Have a good week people, thanks for your efforts.

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