A tribute for fall
As I sit here this morning trying to decide how to begin this letter, I have my content plan, it is just how to begin. So, in honor of the man I am going to address, you just jump in and get to it. The man I want to honor and comment on, is Roy A. Atherton. Roy Armour passed away this last week. This lifelong Walnut resident was one of my Walnut Heroes. He was not my hero because of our long time relationship, but because of his work, ethics, community involvement, love of community and country, as well as his relationship with family and friends. Roy passed Sunday morning, with family at his side, it was time to go home. Roy was not only the owner of one of Walnut’s oldest business success; he was a giver of time and resources to many different boards and organizations. Roy was a veteran of World War II as well. Roy flew in the B 17 bomber over Europe as a navigator. Roy was proud of his service to country. His pride often showed through in his work and actions. This was not hard to see, at the visitation Wednesday evening, as the long line of people that came to give respect and condolences to the family. Roy was loved and respected by people from all over Illinois in many different walks of life. I consider myself very fortunate to have known Roy, and have his influence on my life. I loved him, and respected him, he will be missed. For many years to come, Roy will be referred to in conversation across this town and tables in many different venues. He would like it that way. Good Job Roy Armour, good job.
The Walnut Chamber met Tuesday evening at Konz, for Monthly meeting. It was a shortened meeting, with people wanting to get home to see the Cubs / Mets game. We all see how that went. We had a couple of new people show, but still plenty of room for more. Tracey and Kirsten were present to give update on the Walnut Christmas Open house the weekend of November 27 – 29. These ladies along with committee are working very hard to have a nice introduction to the Christmas season as well as promote Walnut business. Look for details in weeks to come.
In other Chamber news, Lori Wood reported on updates to the Chamber Web site, as well as discussing possible digital signage for Main Street. The Chamber Board believes a cost shared information board would be of great service to the town. More to come. Sandy Green reported on the Chamber’s annual Family Bingo night as well. A good time was had by all.
A brief discussion occurred as we went out the door to watch the Cub’s lose concerning the annual Banquet. The 2016 banquet will be held on Monday March 28. Put it on the Calendar.
The Walnut Boy Scouts will be sponsoring a Fall Blood drive in cooperation with the Red Cross. Please make YOUR appointment to give blood on November 9 at the Walnut Community Building. I have a 4 PM appointment already committed, there is plenty of room for more. Contact a Walnut Boy scout, or Deb and Ron Wilstead as to how you can give.
As I finish my morning coffee, and an Apple Cider doughnut gleaned from a loved one’s kitchen countertop I need to close this letter. I close this week going back to examples of two of Walnut’s finest most appreciated business’s in times of need. Again I saw how the staff of Heritage Health came to bat for a resident and family. The caring and compassionate feeling and atmosphere at a time of certain difficulty came to light again. Thank you. Once again, the professional and caring service of Garland Funeral home also showcased a great Walnut Business. We are fortunate to have Tom and Deb as professionals at taking care of all family and friends needs at difficult times. It is always good and reassuring to see good people taking care of others. Lastly, the American Legion Post, and the ladies of the Walnut Methodist church both provided a major part of the service. There is nothing like small town America coming out for one of their own.
Halloween weekend is this coming weekend. Between Trick or Treater’s and many “ Event of the Season” participants the streets of Walnut will be busy Saturday evening. Please watch out for all little ones and old Oliver Tractors pulling hay racks of reveler’s. Have a good week, shop Walnut when ever you can. Thanks for all of your efforts.